A later start after some essential shopping, Gaz and lunch. Another hot day and more pleasant cycling along paths, small roads and river side. We planned a shorter day to allow time to have a visit to the first main chateau we pass at Sully-sur-Loire. For a while all we could see was the very top of 2 towers, then as we came along the riverside the woods opened out to the chateau. A large moat surrounding a very impressive building. We spent an enjoyable couple of hours exploring the rooms. I found the most impressive part was the massive cathedral style wooden roof, looking very much like an enormous upturned boat. The rooms had enough artefacts in them to give an idea of how they might have been used. Which is better than many of the buildings we have seen in France which often have just empty rooms.
Following the advice of the guide book we continued on to Benoit-sur-Loire for a camp site. A very quiet wooded site just out of town.
Mileage:- 26 Total:- 526.5
This seems like an idyllic trip. Rather different from last year! Please tell Jenny that Penny is home from hospital. Mandy